What If...? Iron Man Crashed Into the Grandmaster? Episode 4 Review

In the latest installment of Marvel’s "What If...?", Episode 4 of Season 3 titled What If... Iron Man Crashed Into the Grandmaster? takes us on a wild ride through the cosmos, blending Marvel’s superhero action with a touch of whimsical humor. Here’s our review of this episode that creatively expands the Marvel Cinematic Multiverse.

A Galactic Adventure with a Twist

The episode kicks off with a "Previously On" segment, nodding to its connectivity with the ongoing narratives of the "What If...?" series. The Watcher, voiced by Jeffrey Wright, sets the stage for an intergalactic escapade that intertwines the fates of Tony Stark, voiced by Mick Wingert, and the Grandmaster, portrayed by Jeff Goldblum.

Tony Stark and Gamora

The story diverts from the familiar MCU plotline, taking Tony Stark on an unintended journey to Sakaar, where he encounters the Grandmaster. The episode cleverly weaves in elements from Thor: Ragnarok, offering fans a delightful reimagining of these beloved characters' dynamics. Adding to the mix is Gamora, voiced by Cynthia McWilliams, who brings an unexpected depth and complexity to the narrative.

Humor Meets High Stakes

What sets this episode apart is its ability to balance high-stakes action with humor. The interactions between Tony Stark, Korg (Taika Waititi), and Gamora create a perfect blend of tension and comic relief. The episode's homage to pop culture references, including a nod to "Mad Max" and "Mario Kart," adds a layer of fun that is both engaging and entertaining.

Impressive Visuals

The animation quality continues to impress, with vibrant colors and dynamic action sequences that bring the story to life. The sound design and score complement the visuals, enhancing the overall experience and immersing viewers in this unique Marvel universe.

A Twist on Gamora’s Arc

While the episode is titled after Tony Stark's escapade, it’s Gamora who stands out as a character with a significant transformation. Her journey from Thanos' daughter to a self-defined hero adds a layer of intrigue and character development. However, the episode leaves some of her evolution to the imagination, focusing more on Tony's perspective.

A Cosmic Joyride

Iron Man Crashed Into the Grandmaster? is another standout episode in the "What If...?" series. It successfully combines humor, action, and character development to create a memorable and enjoyable experience. The episode may not delve deeply into every character's arc, but it excels in delivering an entertaining story that keeps viewers hooked.


This episode is a must-watch for Marvel fans and those who enjoy a creative and humorous take on the superhero genre. It’s a testament to Marvel’s storytelling prowess and its ability to explore new dimensions in its ever-expanding multiverse.

Rating: ★★★★☆