Renfield Is It Worth Watching?
Renfield delivers on its promise of campy humor. If you're a fan of cheesy horror movies and over-the-top comedy, then Renfield will be right up your alley.

Looking for a hilarious horror-comedy to sink your teeth into? Renfield, the latest vampire flick starring none other than Nicolas Cage can certainly quench your blood thirst. But the real star of the show is Nicholas Hoult as Renfield, Dracula's loyal and tormented assistant who's been doing his bidding for centuries. Is Renfield worth watching? Let's sink our teeth into this review and find out.
Renfield Delivers on the Promise
First things first, Renfield delivers on its promise of campy humor. If you're a fan of cheesy horror movies and over-the-top comedy, then Renfield will be right up your alley. The movie doesn't take itself too seriously, which is refreshing in a genre that can often be bogged down by self-importance. Instead, it embraces its ridiculous premise and runs with it, creating a delightfully silly movie that's perfect for a Friday night in.
But while the humor is definitely a strong point of Renfield, it's not without its flaws. The biggest issue with the movie is the screenplay, which could have used a bit more refinement. There are moments when the jokes fall flat or the plot seems to meander, and it's clear that the writers were more interested in creating wacky set pieces than crafting a tight and cohesive story. That being said, if you're willing to overlook some of these flaws, then you'll still have a great time watching Renfield.
Both Nicolases Shine
One of the best things about the movie is the performances from the cast. Nicolas Cage is, as always, a joy to watch, chewing the scenery as the vain and narcissistic Dracula. But the real standout is Nicholas Hoult as Renfield. He brings a surprising and refreshing element to a character that could have easily been a one-note joke. You really feel for Renfield as he struggles to break free from Dracula's control and find his own way in the world. The rest of the supporting cast is also great, with memorable performances from actors like Awkwafina and Ben Schwartz.
While the movie is definitely more comedy than horror, the vampire effects are well done, and there are a few genuinely scary scenes. If you're a fan of horror movies but don't want anything too intense, then Renfield strikes a nice balance between scares and laughs.
Is It Worth Watching?
So, is Renfield worth watching? If you're in the mood for a fun and silly movie that doesn't take itself too seriously, then absolutely. The humor can be hit or miss at times, but the performances make up for any shortcomings in the screenplay.